First Lead Yourself Self - Leadership Cycle Guidebook
🌟 This book follows Angela’s First Lead Yourself, Then Lead Your Way Self-leadership Cycle, providing exercises, prompts, suggestions, and resources that you can return to again and again, on your self-leadership journey. 🌟
Angela affirms that you're not doing it "wrong," and you can do it even better when you first practice self-leadership. By intentionally and regularly following the First Lead Yourself Cycle, you will uncover your unique leadership strengths, values, and power. You'll get there faster and with less leadership stress than the typical "inspiration-imitation-information-instinct" leadership development cycle demands!
There is no one way to be a great leader, so Angela does not lay out The Exact Path that every single person must follow. Instead, she provides a guide to using self-leadership to uncover the way that works for YOU.